Before Contacting DBHDD about a potential missing payment, please review the following:
New Landlords
If you are a new landlord to the Georgia Housing Voucher Program (GHVP), there will be a delay until your rental payments from DBHDD begin but payments are guaranteed per the terms of the lease addendum.
DBHDD must first receive and process the required documents that the Service Provider has requested/collected from you. If the Provider is still waiting on IRS information from you, this will prevent payments from beginning so please provide them as soon as you are able.
Please rest assured that payments will be made in full for any rent owed. The Service Provider can pay the first and second month's rent directly to you and receive reimbursement from DBHDD via the Bridge Program during this waiting period for processing of your information to be completed.
Existing Landlords
If the above does not apply to you and you are experiencing an issue with a potentially missing or late payment, Please submit your request here as a "Landlord/Property Owner".
When you contact DBHDD with a question, please ensure to provide the specific apartment address and name of the tenant.
Check Gone Missing in the Mail?
Sign up for PaySpan Direct Deposit to receive timely payments from DBHDD and stop worrying about losing a check in the mail. All GHVP participating landlords are expected to sign up for direct deposit to help us deliver timely payments.